The Prophecy of The World Wide Warning

By Tony Kissane – The Australian Director of Garabandal

The World Wide Warning is an act of Mercy from God to Illuminate our consciences and draw us closer to Jesus and Mary and help us to repent with a sincere heart and prepare for the Great Miracle to follow.

The world is very near to experiencing the fulfilment of the prophesied events foretold by the Virgin Mary to four young children in a remote village in the Cantabrian Mountains of northern Spain in 1961 – 1965.

The first event will be a World Wide Warning which will come directly from God. It will be felt by every human being on this earth and will be visible in every part of the world. The Warning will be very formidable – a thousand times worse than an earthquake. It will be like fire, it will not burn our flesh but we will feel it corporately and interiorly. All nations and every person on heaven and earth will experience it. Gravity will be suspended for a short time. Conchita has said, it will be like two stars colliding, a lot of noise, a lot of light, but they won’t fall down”. Mari Loli knew the year of the warning but died with this knowledge. We mention here that the Great Miracle will occur with in twelve months of the warning. The Warning is to prepare the world for the Great Miracle.

Signs of the Coming Warning

We know that the state of the world before The Warning will be in turmoil. The Catholic Church will undergo a terrible trial. The Church will seem to disappear, it will be difficult for priests to say Mass. When asked by the children what this trial was Our Lady said “Communism”. We know that belief in the apparitions of Garabandal before The Warning will fall away.

So are we starting to see any of the signs that must precede the coming of The Warning? I believe we are, and some of these signs are: the global financial crisis, the chaos in financial markets in Europe with Greece, Spain, Portugal, Ireland and England struggling to keep their economies afloat. The unprecedented volcanic activity and erratic global weather patterns. Nations are fighting one another, particularly the Muslim nations re-emerging as they did at the time before the battle of Lepanto in 1571.

There are some people who believe that Russia could take advantage of the coming chaos in Europe and instigate a military invasion of Europe. We must also mention the ferocious attack on the Holy Father and the Universal Catholic Church.

Rome Knows of the Garabandal Events

So where does the Holy Father and the Catholic Church stand in relation to Garabandal? We know that Garabandal continues to be under investigation by the Church authorities. It is not an approved apparition like Lourdes or Fatima. We know that Fr. Benac S.J. met with Cardinal Ratzinger and handed over copies of his entire extensive file on Garabandal. We know that Conchita gave the date of the miracle to Cardinal Ottavani in 1968 when she was called to Rome. So we can confidently say that Rome knows of the Garabandal prophesied events. I also think we can confidently say that the Catholic church and the world will be totally unprepared for the World Wide Warning. So what must we do as such a tiny band of Garabandal believers to prepare the world for these coming events.

I don’t believe that we can begin to understand the state the world will be in after The Warning. Priests will be run off their feet with the Sacrament of Reconciliation, in fact, will there be enough priests to hear confessions? The churches will be full to overflowing. After the effects of The Warning have subsided, we will need to remind the world of the impending Great Miracle. We could be totally overwhelmed with the task ahead however we know and trust that God will provide us with the graces necessary to carry out His will.

At the time of The Warning and the great miracle we will see the greatest outpouring of Grace upon mankind since the Incarnation of Jesus. There is every reason to be full of hope that mankind will convert and return to a loving God.